
  • Platformonomics TGIF #1: April 7, 2023

    Platformonomics TGIF #1: April 7, 2023

    New post format: a weekly roll up of links, comments on news, activity updates and attempts at humor.  The intention is quicker hits in addition to the less frequent big posts, plus more timely nattering on about my favorite topics. Hopefully I can sustain it for more than a week. Let me know what you…

  • The Italian Cheese Wheel Bailout

    The Italian Cheese Wheel Bailout

    The Wall Street Journal reports there is a bull market in at least one commodity: bailouts.  I, for one, thought the NASCAR bailout would be impossible to top, but I stand corrected. The world is bailing out banks and car companies. Italy is coming to the rescue of parmigiano cheese. In an effort to help…

  • The NASCAR Bailout

    It only took on the order of $110 billion in additional “sweeteners” to get enough votes to pass the $700 billion bailout bill (a bill almost certain to be a disaster, we just don’t yet know what the unintended consequences will be). The “sweeteners” took the form of new or extended tax breaks.  One can…

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