Tweetstorm Digest: August 4, 2016


Some @charlesfitz reactions to the long-delayed Gartner Infrastructure as a Service Magic Quadrant plus bonus material:

1/ Gartner IaaS Magic Quadrant is finally out – probably the most important assessment of the cloud market.

2/ I yield to no one in making fun of Gartner but they do a really good job on this one.

3\ MQ about what you’d expect – AWS followed by Azure in the Leaders quadrant. Microsoft looks like has closed the execution gap a little.

4\ Google now the only company in the Visionaries quadrant but have lost a little ground on visionary axis.

5\ IBM, CenturyLink and VMware have dropped out of the Visionaries quadrant. Gap between leaders and everyone else getting bigger.

6\ Overall the field drops from 15 last year to 10 (and bet even smaller next year)

7\ Biggest takeaway is MQ is deathblow for IBM and Oracle and their claims to be significant cloud vendors, much less somehow leaders.

8\ Oracle not listed at all, in spite of all their oratory about being in the IaaS business. Game over for them. Shades of HP a year ago.

9/ IBM sees huge decline in both vision and ability to execute. Relegated to the also-ran quadrant. Game over.

10\ Needless to say, no customer base cares more about Gartner’s perspective than IBM’s customer base. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

11\ The MQ is over two months late and rumor is the delay is due to IBM escalating, begging, cajoling, threatening, etc. Gartner.

12\ More later after I read the whole report.


See an updated timelapse of how the MQ has evolved over the past six years.

And an update of our previous geographic analysis of the MQ:


Cloud City now claims the Leader and Visionary quadrants as well as the most forward looking part of the Niche quadrant. Must confess to being a little surprised that much-touted “technology” powerhouses Los Angeles and New York City are not represented here Winking smile.

6 responses

  1. I think you are spot on with your points, especially 10!

    Though I haven’t heard any rumor (’11’), I have been thinking exactly down that alley.

    In regards of ’10’, IBM appears to always have been early (same day as the MQ is published) in posting news about their position in various Gartner MQ’s, (recently 2016-08-01 “IBM Named a Leader in Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing and Infrastructure Utility Services, NA”, but this year apparently they (try to) ignore the Gartner “Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service, Worldwide” published (2016-08-03).
    Instead recently, IBM have had the urgency to announce their positioning from lesser known (ESG, and TBR – if at all known?) analyst companies:
    2016-07-26 “IBM Cloud Ranked as Leading Platform as a Service (PaaS) According to Analyst Firm”

    2016-08-01 “IBM Captures Leadership Position in Hybrid Cloud Environment Adoption, According to Research Firm”

    2016-08-01 “IBM Named Leader in Private Cloud Adoption by Market Research Firm”

    And funny enough (related to ’11’?), what looks like a pale attempt at clutching at straws, SoftLayer distances itself from analysts in general and the “Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service, Worldwide” specifically in their blog post “Magic Quadrants, Performance Metrics & Water Cooler Discussions: Evaluating Cloud IaaS”, and therewith indirectly also distancing SoftLayer from IBM?

    Unfortunately, from a customer/consumer of cloud services point-of-view, the fewer remaining well-positioned providers of IAAS is a sad evolution.

  2. I am sure they are tossing out anything they can to distract from the Gartner report, but those other firms not even remotely in the same class. I have looked at the SRG research and it is an intentionally confusing muddle, probably at the behest of a vendor client (can’t imagine which one would be in desperate need of some good news…).

  3. SoftLayer has come with a pretty bold statement on

    (quote) »The 2016 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service includes an assessment of SoftLayer’s completeness of vision and ability to execute in the cloud IaaS market. But there’s more to that story than meets the eye.

    The fundamental differentiators of the SoftLayer platform are discounted or completely ignored by Gartner analysts in this MQ report, and the omission of those elements is contrary to the perspectives of many other industry analysts … and all SoftLayer customers.« (quote end)

    I truly hope to see a statement from Gartner addressing this response from IBM/SoftLayer.

    Selecting the option “READ FULL RESPONSE” (btw. linking to which then) ends up with the above mentioned blog post (also reachable as

  4. Ha. The more they the protest, the more they confirm that the MQ is a big deal.

  5. Risking be applied “tin foil hat”, would it be too much a coincidence if the analysts companies “TBR” and “ESG” are each less than 17miles from the nearest IBM office?

  6. Don’t think they’re IBM fronts so much as have a business model that entails being very responsive to vendor clients…

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